How to manage your day to day social media accounts

If you use social media for your business it is very important to ensure that you put posts on or are active on the sites a few times a week. People often worry about how they can increase the number of people following them to start with, as unless you have people that can see your posts, you will not get any benefit from it.

You need to engage with the people and this can be done in a number of ways. If you are a business that sells products then every few days why not pick a product to promote. Try and find a product that is relative, so for example, if we are having a lot of sun and you sell paddling pools, try and promote that and insure you have plenty of stock to meet demands. Some companies run online competitions through social media, by asking people to share your post and like you page to be entered in to a prize draw. You may find that you get a number of people who do this to then leave again after the competition has ended but you will always get a percentage of people who will stay, and they may one day become a customer of yours.